I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII). Jeff Hopkins gave a fantastic presentation, and it was so interesting to hear about how the students are given so much autonomy and choice in their learning. I thought it was great that students can take their inquiries and with the guidance of their teachers, find ways to explore these inquiries and incorporate learning from a variety of subjects or curriculum.

  One of my main questions was how the school ensures their students are self-directed in their studies, and what the process is like to get in. Jeff answered that they talk before admitting the students and make sure they fully understand what they are signing up for, and that after an adjustment period, most students can never go back to the ways of the standard B.C. school system. If students are struggling to start something or do not know how to proceed, the teachers try and scaffold and help them figure out what they need to do, gradually giving them more autonomy over time as needed.

  I also thought it was so interesting that the students can choose what group lessons they want to attend based on what is relevant to their inquiry project and what interests them. The types of learning and projects completed by many of these students are above and beyond what one typically would think possible for most high school students. I love that this program has been so successful and am feeling very inspired to think about ways of incorporating inquiry-based learning, autonomy, and choices in my own teaching practice.